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My name is Eva which means life.

I am a Product Designer born in Varese in 1996.


I attended Liceo Classico ESABAC which gave me the chance to obtain both the Italian Diploma and the French Baccalauréat. During my high school years I went several times to France and one time to Portugal as an exchange student

I knew I wanted to become a designer ever since I was a kid. So I applied to Politecnico di Milano to study Product Design BSc and started my training path in September 2015.

At the ESAD, indeed, I attended different practical workshops, such as Atelier Métal, Atelier Céramique, Atelier Bois and Atelier Prototypes. Moreover, during my Erasmus experience I had the chance to meet many people with different cultural backgrounds and to work in multiethnic teams improving my communication and team-building skills. It was a very enriching and challenging experience that made me grow so much.

During my second year bachelor I took part in the Erasmus + Programme that led me to Orléans, France where I spent 5 months. There, I attended an art school called ESAD, École Supérieure d’Art et de Design, where I had the opportunity to get to know a different approach to the design discipline.

In July 2018, I graduated from Politecnico and decided to take a gap year in order to clear my mind and figure out what I wanted to do.

In September 2019 I started a Master of Science in Integrated Product Design at Politecnico di Milano. 

From November 2018 to February 2019, I served an internship in a professional design studio in Milan, called FRAGILE S.r.l. During this 4-months internship I had the chance to support the Product Design team on projects for big Italian companies as well as to work closely to the Graphic Design team developing catalogues, advertisements and website interfaces.

During my first year, I had the great opportunity to support the Teaching Team as an Academic Tutor in a course called Industrial Design Studio 2. My role was to help second-year bachelor students during all the phases of their projects, giving them advice during the research step and supporting them in the technical development of their projects.

In February 2020, I took part in an International Charrette held by the Institute Without Boundaries in Toronto, Canada. The title of the workshop was "Ethical and Smart Cities" and was held at George Brown College in Toronto. It was an enriching and extremely interesting experience that gave me the chance to work and discuss with people from all over the world and with different skills and expertise. 

In March 2020, I was selected to take part to the Extra-European Exchange Programme promoted by Politecnico di Milano. I should have left in January 2021 to go to Detroit, USA, in order to attend the College for Creative Studies (CCS). Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 pandemic, my exchange was cancelled.

From March 2021 until June 2021 I worked as a Design Research Intern at IDEActivity Center, a research center specialized in the studies on the discipline of Design, Creativity and Co-Design dynamics to foster innovation. My research focused on collecting and systematizing tools and methods to design responsibly with digital technologies in the framework of the DC4DM European Project.


I am looking forward to finding new stimulating opportunities

to challenge myself and become a more aware, responsible and competent professional.


Resilience / Flexibility / Positivity / Team leading / Team building / Empathy / Determination / Curiosity


InDesign / Illustrator / Photoshop / Rhinoceros / Inventor / SketchUp / Keyshot / Enscape / Autocad / iMovie / Figma / Miro / Cura

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